Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The life of a Rowland..........

Josh and I have been together for almost 15 years now. We met in high school and were married in Feb. 2000. In 2001 we had our one and only beautiful daughter, Mckenzie Reanne. She is the light of our life...our everything! We now live in BEAUTIFUL Loveland, Colorado. It is soooo wonderful here. Now if we could only convince our whole family to move would be PERFECT! We have 2 wonderful dogs: Bauer (yellow lab) and Missy (West Highland Terr). We are very, VERY big dog people. On Saturdays we love to go the dog parks here. We just love our babies! We are also HUGE campers. During the summer we try to go every other weekend. WE LOVE IT!

During the past 15 yrs, Josh and I have surely had our ups and downs. But I think if you can make it through the really, really bad times (that Josh and I have had A LOT of) then it just shows you that there is NOTHING that will break you apart from the one you love. Josh is definitely my rock and my everything. Without him, I don't know where I would be. Josh and I are planning on going to the temple sometime this summer. This is a HUGE deal for us, being that it has been a very big mountain, so to say, that we have had to conquer. Just knowing that you are going to spend all eternity with the one you love is soooo exciting and beautiful.

As far as stuff that we like to do...camping, and being involved in Kenzie's sports is pretty much the big things we do. When it is hockey season, we go to as many Avalanche games as possible. We are a HUGE hockey family! Josh plays on an ice hockey league. Kenzie likes to go with her daddy on the weekends and play hockey with other parents and kids. SHE IS SOOOOOO CUTE TO SEE PLAYING HOCKEY! Josh and I have been the coaches in all of Kenzie's sports that she has done since she was 4 years old. She has played soccer, baseball, and basketball. Out of all of them...she really loves baseball. It is so exciting to watch her enjoy playing a game and being such a good team player.

We have an AWESOME event coming up on April 18th. Mckenzie is getting baptized!!! We are so excited about this. All of Josh's family is going to come up for this. We can't wait to have her baptized by her daddy. Such a beautiful moment that will be!

Mckenzie is a very compassionate, caring, and giving child. At school she tends to migrate towards children that may be a little different or shy. She also tends to stick up for those who are getting picked on or teased. This, a couple of times this year, kind of played against her. She is now being called some pretty horrible names: "retard lover" and others like that. It is soooo terrible how mean kids can be. I thought it was bad when I was a kid...MAN....KIDS HAVE GOTTEN SOOOO MUCH WORSE! We just try to tell her to be true to who she is no matter what anyone says. If you are happy with the person you are...than that is all that matters. BUT TO AN EIGHT YEAR OLD WHO IS EXTREMELY SENSITIVE...THOSE WORDS OF ADVICE DON'T REALLY MAKE HER FEEL BETTER!

For those of you who know about my health issues, things have gotten sooo much better. The seizures are still occurring, but not nearly as much as they were back in 2004 and 2005. I can drive now...which is AWESOME! My Chron's Disease is doing much better now that I did my remicade infusion. The only thing that I predict is coming up, is 2 more knee surgeries. It has been many years since my last ones, and I think the arthritis needs to be cleaned out again. But other than that little thing...I AM DOING GREAT!

I recently, after 5 years of pure misery, was granted social security disability. This is a very good thing for me and my family. Because of my seizures and Chron's, it makes if very hard to hold down a job. The seizures are so unpredictable and the Chron's makes it extremely difficult to stay at work doing a flare up. So in 2004, my family and doctors talked me into applying and I did. On Jan. 28 of this year...I got my letter of approval and our whole life changed at that moment! We are so blessed that I was given a judge here in Colorado that saw the issues that I have and how holding a job was pretty much impossible for me to do. So ya...we are really excited for this! Also, with this money, Josh will be able to go back to school and finally do a job that he wants to do and can be proud of. For 11 years he has worked in a job that he litterally hates...and it is about time that he does something for himself and becomes the person he has always wanted to become! I am so excited for the journey he is about ready to take.

Well, that is pretty much the jest on the Rowland's!!! We are doing really good here in Loveland and we miss you all terribly!


Krystal, Josh and Kenzie (and Bauer & Missy)